Monday 4 February 2013

Vanilla cupcakes filled with fluff and finished with a chocolate ganache

I wanted to see if I could put the fluff into cakes - so here it is.

1. Use a simple vanilla sponge recipe (any one will do as long as its for 12 cupcakes) and cook the cupcakes as normal.

2. Take them out of the oven and let them cool completely.

3. Put some fluff into a piping bag, each cupcake needs to have a small hole in the centre for the fluff to go, pipe the fluff into each cake only a small amount should over flow.

4. Once this is complete put the cupcakes to one side and start the ganache...

A ganache is a rich chocolate covering made with double cream.
250g of milk or dark chocolate
250ml double cream
1 tsp of coffee granules

5. Melt all the ganache ingredients together over a Bain Marie ( a glass bowl over a saucepan filled with boiling water)

6. Once all mixed together smoothly leave to cool slightly.

7. Once cooled, cover each cupcake. I personally find it easier to dip the cupcake into the mixture as it makes for a better coverage!

8. Decorate as you wish

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